Revising Historical Narratives – The Need for Diverse Perspectives

historical narratives

“Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.” Our point of view is a big part of how we understand history, as this African proverb shows. People today often forget to include some points of view when we talk about history, especially those from marginalized groups. A lot […]

The Forgotten Queen Who Shaped Two Continents

The Forgotten Queen Who Shaped Two Continents

It is very important to understand that if you look at history, there are a lot of legends or important leaders, cultures, and even civilizations involved. Including those from North Africa and the Arabic world. Yet, some threads have been purposely buried or even violated over time. Especially those that provide information about non-European cultures. […]

Highlighting Mansa AbuBakari II Impact on Africans & Ancient Origins

ancient origins

Mansa AbuBakari II was a powerful leader who left a big mark on African history. Do you know how his reign changed the course of the Mali Empire? His leadership brought incredible Mali Empire wealth, making it one of the richest empires in Africa. But what else did he do? Mansa AbuBakari II not only […]